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One 20-milligram famotidine tablet prevents and relieves heartburn caused by acid indigestion – which, it turn, is often caused by overindulgence ...
View full detailsAn antioxidant, vitamin C might help protect your cells against the effects of free radicals 250 mg of ascorbic acid per tablet
500 mg of calcium per tablet Calcium-enhanced absorption Nutritional supplement
5 mg bisacodyl per tablet Enteric-coated so that aspirin does not dissolve too quickly after it's swallowed 1,000 tablets per bottle
Fast, safe, effective pain relief 325 milligrams of aspirin per tablet Micro-coated tablets
500 mg of L-ascorbic acid per tablet An antioxidant, vitamin C might help protect your cells against the effects of free radicals
Each tablet contains 325 milligrams of ferrous sulfate, providing approximately 65 milligrams of elemental iron Elemental iron supplement works to...
View full details8.6 mg of sennosides per tablet Compare to active ingredient in Senokot® Regular Strength 1,000 tablets per bottle Senokot-S is a registered trade...
View full detailsTaking one Geri-Care multi-vitamin daily delivers multiple essential vitamins and minerals Vitamins B-6 and B-12 help to keep up energy levels Cal...
View full detailsEach tablet contains 1500 mcg vitamin A (as acetate); 50 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid); 10 mcg vitamin D (as cholecalciferol); 2 mg of thiamin (a...
View full details10 mg of loratadine per allergy relief tablet Individually wrapped tablets are ideal for shared medicine cabinets Nondrowsy
3 milligrams of melatonin per tablet Taking melatonin 1½ – 2 hours before bedtime will often help you fall asleep faster after "lights out" Each b...
View full detailsFor motion sickness, a dose is usually taken 30 minutes before motion, then with meals and at bedtime for the duration of exposure Relieves sneezi...
View full details100 mg of docusate sodium per tablet 100 tablets per bottle
625 milligrams of calcium polycarbophil per captabs; 60 captabs per bottle Comparable to FiberCon® Relieves constipation Helps restore regularity ...
View full details325 mg of pain-relieving and fever-reducing acetaminophen per tablet Compare to active ingredient in Tylenol® Regular Strength tablets There are 1...
View full detailsRelieves chest congestion Thins and loosens mucus 400 milligrams of guaifenesin per tablet 100 cough-and-cold relief caplets per bottle
200 mg of ibuprofen per tablet Compare to active ingredient in Advil 1,000 tablets per bottle Advil is a registered trademark of Wyeth Consumer He...
View full detailsGive your gastrointestinal tract a boost with this probiotic Each capsule contains: 75 million lactobacillus acidophilus cells (live at time of ma...
View full details5 mg of melatonin per tablet Taking one melatonin tablet 1½ – 2 hours before bedtime will often help you fall asleep faster after "lights out" 90 ...
View full details125 milligrams of simethicone per tablet will ease gastrointestinal discomfort caused by gas Compare to active ingredient in Gas-X® Extra Strength...
View full details8.6 mg of sennosides per tablet Compare to active ingredient in Senokot Senokot is a registered trademark of Avrio Health
180 mg of fexofenadine HCl per tablet Compare to the active ingredient in Allegra® Allergy 24 Hour tablets Temporarily relieves these symptoms of ...
View full detailsCompare to active ingredient in Zyrtec® 30 tablets per bottle Zyrtec is a registered trademark of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc
24-hour allergy relief 10 mg of cetirizine hydrochloride per tablet Compare to active ingredient in Zyrtec® 14 tablets per bottle Zyrtec is a regi...
View full details10 mg of loratadine per allergy relief tablet Compare to active ingredient in Claritin® Claritin is a registered trademark of Bayer Consumer Health
1 mg strength Melatonin, in tablet form, helps to restore sleep disrupted by circadian dysrhythmia 180 sleep-inducing tablets per bottle
420 milligrams of calcium carbonate per tablet Two tablets for acid indigestion, gas, heartburn and acid stomach per packet, 250 packets per dispe...
View full details5 mg of phenylephrine HCl per tablet Relieves nasal congestion due to the common cold 250 packets per box, two tablets per packet
10 mg of loratadine per allergy relief tablet Individually wrapped tablets are ideal for shared medicine cabinets Nondrowsy
Tablets contain a plethora of B vitamins, vitamin C and calcium 100 tablets per bottle
400 mcg of folic acid per tablet Folic acid is essential for the manufacture of genetic material as well as for amino acid metabolism and red bloo...
View full detailsMagnesium supports calcium usage in the body 250 mg magnesium per tablet 100 tablets per bottle
3 mg strength Melatonin, in tablet form, helps to restore sleep disrupted by circadian dysrhythmia Tablets also contain 94 milligrams calcium carb...
View full detailsEach tablet contains 300 milligrams of calcium and 500 milligrams of cranberry extract Cranberries may reduce your risk of urinary tract infection...
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